Our Student Lab

"Mentoring Europe means to me that by taking in knowledge and experiences from people with a different cultural background and with different knowledge than my own, I can broaden my own knowledge and, together with others, arrive at better solutions to problems that affect us all. More points of view lead to a greater knowledge of what one needs to decide about."
Freja Jansson
TAI Student, Finland

Mentoring Europe works with a team of students coming from different academic backgrounds from all over the world. A truly international team coming from different cultural backgrounds, experiences and ambitions. Students work as interns or involve themselves in mentoring research. We are committed to the personal and professional development of our students, both professionally and personally. 

Students work on a variety of activities within Mentoring Europe such as communications, marketing, events management, organising workshops, content creation, and research. 

Check these out from our Student Lab

Blog posts

Interested in content creation and writing? Students here have written inspiring and motivational blog posts about mentoring!


Want to see how we share mentoring with the world? Our socials have content created by the students!

What We Do

At Mentoring Europe, we take pride in our truly international team, including students from around the globe. Our team members bring unique perspectives, cultural insights, and diverse ambitions, creating an enriching environment that fosters creativity and innovation. We are committed to nurturing our students’ personal and professional growth, helping them develop their skills and themselves. 

In the Student Lab, students are at the forefront of change and innovation within the mentoring landscape. Here are some of the exciting activities and projects our students engage in:

Communications and Marketing

Our student members actively contribute to crafting and executing communication and marketing strategies. From creating engaging social media content to designing eye-catching promotional materials, students play a pivotal role in spreading awareness about the importance of mentoring in Europe.

Events Management

Students get hands-on experience planning and organizing events that bring together mentors, mentees, and industry experts. These events serve as a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and fostering meaningful mentor-mentee relationships.

Workshops and Training

We believe in equipping our students with valuable skills. As part of our Student Lab, you’ll be able to design and deliver workshops that empower individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in mentoring relationships.

Content Creation

From blog posts to videos, students contribute to our extensive library of educational content. This allows them to share their insights and expertise, furthering our mission of promoting mentoring across Europe.

Research and Analysis

Students interested in delving deep into the mentoring world can engage in research projects exploring various aspects of mentoring, such as its impact on personal and professional growth.

Real Mentoring Experience

One unique feature of our Student Lab is the opportunity to engage in genuine mentoring relationships. Students can participate as mentees or mentors, gaining firsthand experience and insights into the mentoring process.


Our advocacy team exists for the purpose of putting mentoring in the minds and conversations of policy makers across Europe, so that public policy reflects the growing needs of the mentoring sector.

Internships and Research Projects

Mentoring Europe is dedicated to the personal and professional development of students. Every year we welcome students to join our team as interns or for their research projects. Do you want to join an international team of students, mentors and entrepreneurs? Are you looking for opportunities to learn and develop soft and hard skills? Join our student lab and help grow the European mentoring field!